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Student Health


School Nurse
Megan Abbott




As the flu and illness season fast approaches, we all need to do our part to slow the spread of the germs.  You can help by:

  • keep your child home from school when they are sick
  • keep your child home if they have been vomiting or have had watery diarrhea within the past 24 hours
  • keep your child home if they have had a fever of 100' or greater within the past 24 hours.  They need to be fever-free for 24 hours WITHOUT FEVER-REDUCING MEDICINE before returning to school
  • keep your child home if they are being treated for strep throat. Your child must be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school
  • keep your child home if they have crusted or matted eyes and green/yellow discharge along with eye redness. Your child needs to see a doctor for medication and can return to school with treatment or a doctor's note.
  • teach your child to wash their hands often
  • teach your child to cover their mouth with coughs and sneezes.  They should use the inside of their elbow and NOT THEIR HAND.

If your child becomes ill during the school day, it is important we can reach you.  Please remember to update your information with the office if you get a new phone number.


Fever* / Cough / Sore Throat / Runny/Stuffy Nose / Body Aches / Headache / Chills / Fatigue / Sometimes Diarrhea or Vomiting
*not everyone will have a fever with the flu


  • give the school a telephone number where you can be reached if your child gets worse
  • remind your child to cover nose and mouth when coughing and/or sneezing
  • teach your child to cough or sneeze into their bent arm (inside of elbow)
  • teach your child to wash hands often. Encourage good hand washing at school and at home. It's the best way to stop the spread of illness or disease!
  • Use Tylenol or ibuprofen for fever. Do not use aspirin. It can cause Reyes Syndrome which can be fatal to your child


1. All medications (prescription or non-prescription) require that your physician complete the Administration of Medication Form (Part I) and that the parent/guardian complete Part II.

2. The parent/guardian shall bring the medication in the original labeled container to the school secretary or nurse.  DO NOT SEND THE MEDICATION WITH THE CHILD. The medication will be stored in the clinic and should NOT be with the student or transported in their backpack.

3. It is the responsibilty of the student to come to the office and get their medication at the prescribed time.

Please contact Megan Abbott if you have any questions or concerns.

NOTE:  Please click on the link above to print the "Administration of Medication Form".  This is a .pdf file that must be printed and then filled-out.  It cannot be filled out on-line.