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Welcome to Fairfield Local School District!
It's a GREAT day to be a LION!

Amy Buddelmeyer, District Registrar
937-780-2221 ext. 0

Returning In-District Students

Student's FinalForms account needs to be updated each year.  Parents can log into FinalForms beginning June 1st of each year.

Click here for FinalForms - CURRENTLY ENROLLED STUDENTS 

Returning Open Enrolled Students

Students who attend under our Open Enrollment Policy must submit an application each school year.  

NOTE:  The Open Enrollment application cannot be submitted through FinalForms.  The form can be emailed, faxed or brought to the District Office.  If you are applying for the first time, the application must be approved prior to enrolling your student.  There is a link to the form below.

fax:    937-780-6900
phone:    937-780-2221 ext. 0


Fairfield Local Schools uses FinalForms for student enrollment.  FinalForms is an online forms and data management system that guarantees compliance, distributes data and reduces liability within our district.  FinalForms saves student data from sport-to-sport, club-to-club and year-to-year, eliminating paperwork!  

Click here for FinalForms - NEW STUDENTS

New Students

If your student is NEW to the district (preschoolers, kindergarteners and transfer students), please be sure to click the "New to District" checkbox when registering your student in FinalForms.

  • After completing FinalForms, contact the District Registrar to ensure all required documents are received. 

    These include:
    • student's birth certificate
    • student's social security card
    • student's immunization records
    • student's special education documents (if applicable)
    • proof of residency (no cell bills)
    • parent's/guardian's drivers' license
    • custody documents (if applicable)

Click here for FinalForms

Amy Buddelmeyer, District Registrar
937-780-2221 ext. 0

Open Enrollment

Fairfield Local Schools accepts open enrolled students on a limited basis.  Students who are accepted are approved for one school year and must re-apply every year.

Every April, the District holds a parent information meeting outlining the policies, rules and regulations of open enrollment.

The open enrollment period opens up each year on April 1st.  Applications for the upcoming school year are due by June 1st.

Information about the meeting date will be posted to our website news and Facebook page.

Board Policy JECBB - Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment Application 
(online version)

Open Enrollment Application
(printable version)

Click the link to open the application.  You can either fill it out online, or print it and manually fill it out. 

The form can be emailed, faxed or brought to the District Office.  If you are applying for the first time, the application must be approved prior to enrolling your student.

fax:    937-780-6900
phone:    937-780-2221 ext. 0


Applications for our preschool usually open up every April.  Limited space is available.

Preschool Physical Exam Form

Preschool Dental Exam Form